Monday 27 November 2017


So….here we are with our first blog post….feels like jumping off a high diving board and hoping there is enough water in the pool when we get there!

My name is Hanna. My boss is M. For two years now, I have lived in a real-life, day to day, Female Led Relationship (”FLR”) with her. Our aim here is to describe our life, the choices we made (and still make), and open a mirror into the many facets of our FLR, hence the cover photo.

For M and I, FLR brings an energy to our relationship and fosters and incredible and exciting bond. We will try to post regularly (real life has a habit of getting in the way) and we welcome interaction. I will usually post in English, except when M directs otherwise.

Please feel free to interact with us in German or English, since both M and I are proficient enough in either language. (M is certainly more proficient in English than I am in German, but we both have enough competence to interact in our "foreign" language)


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This post is all about....

Well, if I am honest, I have no idea. M just ordered me to write a new post. I had suggested that she write a post as I am quite certain tha...