Aber diese Zeit hat mich gelehrt, dass ich ohne FLR Beziehung nicht mehr leben koennte.
Heute frueh endlich! Mir ist heute frueh im Badezimmer der Kajalstift heruntergefallen. Ich sagte Hanna sie soll ihn aufheben. Als sie auf allen vieren war, dachte ich, ENDLICH!!!. Da Bliebst die erstmal. Sie musste sich ganz lange dafur entschuldigen, dass sie in der letzten Zeit so faul war.
Die faule Zeit ist nun vorbei.
Hanna had to take antibiotics for 7 days. That has weakened her a lot. I noticed her lack of service orientation and sub demeanor. I was very frustrated. My problem was that she was feeling so tired that I could not really punish her.
But that time has also taught me that I can not live without an FLR relationship.
Finally, this morning! ... I lost my coal pencil in the bathroom. I told Hanna to pick it up. When she was on all fours, I thought, FINALLY !!!. "Stay there for a while" I said! She had to stay down there and apologize for a long time for being so lazy lately.
The lazy time is over now!!
But that time has also taught me that I can not live without an FLR relationship.
Finally, this morning! ... I lost my coal pencil in the bathroom. I told Hanna to pick it up. When she was on all fours, I thought, FINALLY !!!. "Stay there for a while" I said! She had to stay down there and apologize for a long time for being so lazy lately.
The lazy time is over now!!